The Beginning

October 2022

Art has meant so much to both of us, and has been a part of our lives for many years.  Because of our love for the arts, both of us have decided to pursue careers in creative fields and arts education. Our journey together began as undergraduates at the University of Miami.  We were both enrolled in a jazz music performance class called Contemporary Rhythm Techniques as college freshman. Our first assignment together in class was to perform a song the following week. Coincidently, the song we performed together was the jazz standard, Beautiful Love.  The song became a precursor for many beautiful moments together, as we share our art, creativity and love for the arts with one another and others. We are two people who love jazz and are inspired by all art forms and the talent of so many wonderful people all around us. Thus, Jazzspire was born out of this mutual passion for living creatively. We look forward to going on a journey of learning about what inspires, lifts, and brightens everyday life through the arts. Welcome to JazzSpire.

Greg & Samika   

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